13 Winter Houseplant Care Tips πŸŒ±β„οΈ

Home Vegetable Gardening: The New Prescription From Doctors and Nutritionists

While finishing up a project I was working on the other night, I was flipping through TV stations to at least put something on that was watchable as background noise. I came across an infomercial selling some new great weight loss product that is guaranteed to give you those 6 pack abs and rock hard muscles in as little as 20 minutes a day.

Keeping Your Home Vegetable Garden Pest Free, Safely

There is a question that I hear most often from home vegetable gardeners. How can you keep your garden pest free without spraying harmful chemicals on them? As one person wrote me, “Isn’t one of the points of growing your own food, to avoid all the chemicals and have it be safe?”

How To Make An Aquaponic Garden

For a straightforward definition, aquaponics is a combination of fish producing (aquaculture) and having plants without the use of soil (hydroponics). It is an emblematic relationship in which the fish will actually aid the plants and then vice versa. It’s a cycle that works very nicely with both environments exercising as one and not as separate ones.

All the Good Bugs in Your Garden

A common reaction to seeing a bug in the garden is to either squish it or grab the insecticide and start spraying. However, many insects are beneficial rather than detrimental, so make sure to identify who dwells in your garden before you squish and spray.

A Great Way to Save Time and Money Gardening

This year I have had the best, most productive and easiest to care for Garden EVER. I have never seen this.

Watering Orchids Shouldn’t Be a Chore

Our houseplants seem to be forgotten and not watered half the time, for one reason or another. When we do remember, we tend to overwater in the attempt to compensate for our error. Does this make it better? No, and watering an orchid simply cannot be forgotten.

Microbes Gone Wrong – The Stink on Compost

Ever wonder what makes garden composting bins stink? The chemical breakdown of bio – organic material by microbes gone wrong causes the foul odor.

Busting the Grub Control Myth – How to Get Rid of Moles

I was looking at mole traps in the garden center of a big-box home improvement store when a friendly clerk offered advise. “Moles are in your yard because you have a lot of grubs. The best way to get rid of them is to apply insecticide for grub control.”

Controlling a Greenhouse Environment

Once you have put up your greenhouse, it is time to make it do what it was intended to do – foster the rapid and healthy growth of the plants inside it. The strength of a greenhouse lies in the ability to control the climactic conditions inside.

Greenhouse Design

Most people have a particular image in mind when they think about a greenhouse. The reality though is that greenhouses come in a wide range of shapes and forms. Greenhouses also differ in terms of the materials used to construct them.

Keeping Your Greenhouse Pest Free

A greenhouse can revolutionize your gardening allowing you to realize greater productivity than you would with open air gardening. With a greenhouse, you are assured of consistent conditions year in year out with no or minimal dependency on the climactic conditions outside. But simply erecting a greenhouse is no assurance of trouble-free plant growth – appropriate measures are necessary to ensure that optimum conditions are maintained.

Prepare Your Winter Wildlife Garden

There are an astronomical number of tasks in the garden as winter approaches. As the growing season nears its end it’s time to harvest in the vegetable garden and allotment, clear beds out of their summer growth, and pile on the manure for the following season. There’s even a bit of sowing to be done, and you can start popping in broad beans, onions and garlic at this time of the year. Meanwhile, in my own ornamental garden life is in full swing and there’s still plenty of flowers. However, with cold weather looming and leaves starting to pile up, it’s vital to get out and do a garden cleanup. But, whilst we’re chopping and trimming and composting, try and remember that wildlife also need a little help during this season.

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