Build Yourself a Bud Vase Wall Holder

Pruning Shrubs At The Right Time

Pruning shrubs is an important part of care and maintenance of your landscape. But pruning shrubs needs to be done at the proper time to maintain the beauty and appearance of the plant.

Sunflowers They Are Not Just For Kids

When ever I see a sunflower I think back to when I was young and helped my grandmother tend her garden. It always brings a smile to my face because that is the first flower she ever had me plant in the little garden space she had set aside for me in her back yard.

Raised Garden Beds Ideal For Raising Flower Beds And Vegetables

Raised garden beds make gardening easy. No more bending over flower beds for hours. No more back pains.

Water – How Plant Life Is Involved In The Hydrologic Cycle

The water cycle is the constant movement of water that occurs above and below the earths surface, and has no starting point or end. It is a process that includes an existing water source, the atmosphere, solar radiation, evaporation, transpiration, precipitation, percolation and runoff.

Plant and Grow a Successful Grape Vine

Aside from having a very enjoyable and relaxing hobby, growing grapes in your own backyard is actually a very lucrative and profitable business. But you can’t just start planting grapevines all around your house and be successful with it. You first need to learn how to plant and grow a successful grape vine and know all the basic things needed.

Buying A Lawn Vacuum? Don’t Gamble – Read What Owner’s Say

Why are lawn vacuums becoming more popular? As age takes it toll on those homeowners they are no longer interested in hand held devices such as backpack model leaf vacuums and blowers. No review of lawn sweepers would be complete without mention of pull behind models meant to be used behind a lawn tractor or riding mower.

How A Greenhouse Works

Because greenhouses protect from cold, wind, and precipitation, gardeners are able to garden long into the cold and harsh months of winter. Similarly, greenhouses also protect against harsh and damaging heat during the summer. Many greenhouses utilize state of the art synthetic paneling that diffuses heat throughout the entire greenhouse, which helps plants grow evenly throughout the entire greenhouse.

Unusual Flowers – 5 Unique Flowers to Plant in Your Yard Or Garden

This is a continuation of my previous article collections for your additional information about the unusual flowers. You can get lots of wisdom from this second article for your guidance what unusual flowers you want to plant in your garden.

Garden Compost Bins

With more and more people wanting to help the environment they are choosing to grow their own produce at home. Growing fruits and vegetable can be great for your diet and lifestyle and you will not need to use any type of pesticides. You may want to think about using homemade fertilizer and this can be made in your own garden compost bins.

Organic Gardening and Red Wiggler Worms Go Hand in Hand!

Yes, you’ve read the heading right! Organic gardening and Red Wiggler Worms can go hand in hand. Now if you’re not into worm composting yet, then you should know that you haven’t experienced and seen your garden at its best. So if you want to get more out of your garden, then you must have a try on some red wiggler worms castings. Castings, also known to many as compost from worms, are full of nutrients and minerals. You can use this to feed your garden soil and plants.

Learn the Basics to the Vermicomposting Process

The vermicomposting process uses nothing but specific kinds of earthworms. These can either be red wigglers or nightcrawlers. Worms that are used for composting eat off of organic wastes, which they in turn, transform into vermicompost. Now, vermicompost is what we refer to as castings from worms (also known as worm manure and worm humus).

Growing Herbs Indoors in the Winter

Winter gardening indoors is not difficult at all. In fact, it may be easier than growing outdoors–no pests, no weeds, no elements reeking havoc on your plants. Herbs are especially easy to grow in containers in your home during wintertime. In this article, I will highlight the easy guidelines anyone can follow to ensure fresh herbs year-round!

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