How to Grow Peas From Seed to Harvest

Time to Plant Heat-Happy Vegetables in June

There is still time to enjoy a full summer garden by planting heat-happy vegetables in June. The typically mild June temperatures during the month give these vegetables a good start for the hotter months ahead.

Growing Penstemons

Originally a native flower of North America, the penstemon has become a real favourite among gardeners in Europe, with hundreds of hybrids having been developed there since the early nineteenth century. Perhaps their popularity is down to their value as a late-flowering summer perennial that are easy and reliable to grow. They are resistant to slugs and other pests but very attractive to bees.

How To Compost In The City

Some people who live in the city find composting easy and possible; adding food trimmings and compostable scraps to the yard waste bin is not a difficult task. But for some residents in urban areas where compostable pickup is not available, composting at home requires patience and extra effort.

How to Choose the Type and Material of Your Garden Planters

Plants in garden planters add a great deal of aesthetic value to your home. In this article you can find answers to your questions about the types and materials of indoor and outdoor garden planters.

The Nitrogen I.V. Pump and “Soil Poverty”

The farming and gardening industries have relied heavily on water soluble nitrogen for growth for may years, but it’s catching up with them. Many are seeing diminishing returns from their fertilization efforts. This article helps explain why.

A Fine Recipe for Your Own Fertilizer

Why buy fertilizer when you can make it on your own? Even when they have the words “organic fertilizer” plastered on it, don’t fall for it! Many new gardeners feel that commercially manufactured fertilizers are the best.

Growing and Eating Nasturtiums

The nasturtium or tropaeolum are native to South and Central America and have become popular ornamental annuals grown for their showy, often intensely bright flowers. It is an easy and prolific grower and readily self seeds. Often grown alongside vegetables, the nasturtium is also useful as a companion plant. It repels a great many garden pests such as squash bugs, cucumber beetles and several species of caterpillar. Growing Nasturtiums near brassicas can deflect greenfly and white fly on to the nasturtiums to protect your other crops. There are dwarf varieties for use as edging plants, climbing varieties that look great on a back fence in the garden or in pots with trellises, and cascading varieties that are simply wonderful for hanging baskets.

Common Misconceptions About Landscape Design

You’ve just spent a bunch of money on plant material at your local garden center and have toiled tirelessly to get everything in the ground. Some, however, just don’t look right while others are taking an awful long time to take hold. You continue to faithfully water but a few don’t survive…all of this adds to your level of frustration while remembering the backache you had putting them in. Well, you’re not alone. Here’s what you can do to make the next go-around a success.

Natural and Synthetic Outdoor Plants Are Both Great Product Choices

Plants of all shapes and sizes are gifts of nature and they are endowed with enormous benefits. They can grow in the ground or placed inside the home as houseplants. This article gives a comparison between real plants and synthetic varieties that are ideally placed in the yard or garden. Both types are great choices that can produce similar effects to their beholders.

A Great Selection of Outdoor Artificial Plants in Lieu of Real Ones

Plants represent life and possess stress deterrent qualities. They can also be used decoratively both indoors and outdoors. This article provides various types of plants that are artificially made and are splendid replicas of the real ones.

600 Watt High Pressure Sodium Lamp

Those who don’t know too much about a 600 Watt High Pressure Sodium Lamp should start learning more about it, as this type of lamp can prove to be very useful. A high pressure sodium lamp is a type of lamp that uses sodium in order to produce light. Some sodium lamps are low pressure ones, while others are high pressure.

Improving Your Soil

Each type of soil has different qualities that will affect the type of plants that will grow in it. Achieving the correct blend is an art. This recipe has proven successful more than once.

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