Peat Moss vs. Coconut Coir: Are They BOTH Bad?

Does Growing Tomatoes Indoors Provide the Same Sweet & Luscious Tomato Crops?

Growing tomatoes indoors can be done for various reasons, maybe lack of outdoor space or you may wish to have a supply in the winter too. Information on the best ways to grow tomato plants indoors.

Vegetable Garden Planning – Tomato Gardening

There are several elements that are important to the success of your tomato gardening. Some of the things to consider are plant variety, soil composition, spacing, fertilization, and plant support. With just a bit of good vegetable garden planning, your tomato gardening will provide a bountiful harvest that will allow you to eat all you like and still put plenty of way for winter.

Transplanting Roses the Right Way

There are several reasons why roses need to be transplanted; probably for more exposure to sunlight, or maybe you are planning to redesign the landscape of your garden. Whatever your reason is, there are some things you must keep in mind before you begin pulling your roses off the ground.

Heirloom Tomato Seeds Are Popular With Home Gardeners

Heirloom tomatoes have proven their popularity over the decades. They produce the tastiest tomatoes and home growers and commercial growers alike seek out the various varieties. Find out why they are so popular.

Herb Gardening For Newbies

Herb gardening is easy and fun. You can enjoy it by yourself or with your family. Herbs will grow anywhere, it can grow outdoor or indoor.

Tips For Identifying Seeds

You should be able to identify good natural and hybrid varieties of seeds. They are now available in dedicated stores around the world.

Gardening Information – 6 Tips For Herb Gardening

In the past they were believed to have magical powers and to a certain extent that belief may be well founded. If you have ever used a little lavender on your pillow or that of your child to help get to sleep, ingested some spearmint to help the tummy ache, or used sage to add just the right mouthwatering flavor to a dish, you may think of herbs as having magical powers.

5 Great Uses For Wholesale Spray Roses

Everyone has seen the beautiful, large blossoms of a traditional rose. But an elegant, unique and inexpensive alternative to typical rose blooms are spray roses.

Gardening With Indoor Greenhouses

Some people would like to grow their own plants but don’t have the space to do so. Indoor greenhouses allow everyone to start seedlings indoors on a table top or windowsill.

Teaching Kids About Nature Through Gardening

By gardening with kids you can help them learn to feel a connection to nature. In addition, they will learn to care for the environment and appreciate the world around them.

Gardening in the Shade

Many objects can cast a gloomy shadow over your precious greenery, whether it be a tree shade, fence or even a flower shade. The side effects of such objects can be devastating to your garden. A big negative is that only certain types of plants can grow in the shade. Fear not as there ways to make the best out of your shady garden.

Why Tomatoes Are Not Turning Red

Are you wondering why your tomatoes don’t turn red? Find out these simple factors that keep your tomatoes green. Few simple step and your tomatoes will turn from green to red. If you want to find out read this article.

The Best Places to Plant Shrubs and Trees in the Garden

In almost every garden space can usually be found for at least one or two shrubs, and there are many ways in which the latter can be used. They can be grouped in beds and borders on their own, be used in mixed borders together with perennial and other plants, or be planted near the boundaries of the garden for screening purposes.

Deciding Whether to Use Clay Pots Or Plastic Pots For the Plants

One of the most important things to consider when you are planning to grow a plant is the type of pot that you are going to use for them. There are two kinds of popular homes for plants; these are the plastic pots and the terra cotta or the unglazed clay pots.

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