Pollinating my dragon fruit with a vacuum

Gardening Through Hydroponics

One of the most under utilized forms of Gardening is Hydroponics. Fortunately it IS on the rise. With endless possibilities, this method can be used both indoors and outdoors. In earlier years, it was mostly reserved for seasoned gardeners, but now with easy to follow steps, anyone can partake in this fun and innovative form of gardening.

Winter Sowing

Looking for a way to rid yourself of the “Winter-time blues”? Winter sowing allows one to garden even through the coldest days and weeks of the year. Once you try it, you’ll never go a Winter without it.

Zodiac Home Herb Garden

Cultivating a zodiac home herb garden has been practiced amongst many civilizations for centuries. In fact, once upon a time every doctor too was an astrologer because having knowledge of astrology and the zodiac was absolutely essential in being able to diagnose and treat many types of illnesses. There are specific illnesses most commonly associated with a particular zodiac sign.

Tea Herb Gardening – Great For Relaxation

Everyone knows that drinking herbal tea is definitely good for you as it does not have caffeine in it. And it gets even better when you are able to brew your favorite herbal tea from tea herbs which are grown in your very own herb garden!

Have an Italian Herb Garden in Your Own House!

Herbs an Italian garden must have. Tips on what to do with the Italian herbs.

Greenhouses – An Investment in Protection and Productivity

The benefits of growing in a greenhouse can be seen in both protection of plants and increased vigor. For vegetable gardeners, this means much higher yields and the opportunity to grow and harvest vegetables all year long, even without added heat in the winter.

Thyme Garden Herb and Its Many Benefits

If you have ever wondered about the many benefits of thyme then this article for you. Thyme garden herb is a very versatile herb that has been used for centuries for medicinal, ornamental and culinary uses. In fact, thyme is such a staple to many that they create a thyme herb garden cultivating the very many types of thyme.

What Are Garden Buildings For?

It used to be that garden buildings were constructions you found in gardens used to enhance the area as well as provide a temporary respite away from the main house. During the Renaissance Period, garden buildings were very popular and trendy. Today, you can come across many homes with garden buildings from the U.K. to Japan.

Growing the Best Thyme Garden Herb

Thyme garden herb is a variety of herb, which is grown for many different applications. The most common use for thyme is cooking, but it can also be found in medicinal applications as well as aromatherapy. The applications you will use the thyme for will depend on the kind of thyme you are growing, as not every thyme is created equal. In fact, some varieties of thyme will not even have a scent while others will perfume the air all around you.

Learn About the Different Types of Herbs

There are several types of herbs. As any plant they are divided into different categories.

Herbs & Gardens – Herb Gardening Information Basics

Many households all over the world grow and use herbs. Some of the most common uses for herbs are for cooking and for medicinal purposes. In addition to this, there are many individuals who grow herbs and gardens for ornamental purposes.

Easy Tips For Growing Herbs

There are certain things you do need to know when you have a herb garden. Knowing the best time of day to pick your herbs so they have the optimum flavor is just one of the tips for growing herbs. Are you growing your herbs in the garden or in pots and should you fertilize? Having a bit of inside knowledge about herb growing is a real bonus for healthy herbs.

Enjoy Fresh Organic Vegetables All Year Round – Build the Perfect Greenhouse

Imagine enjoying fresh organic vegetables as the frost falls on the morning and the cold winds blow. Now more than ever there has never been a better time to make fresh produce apart of your families diet.

The History and Benefits of Growing Medicinal Herbs

Medicinal herbs also known as botanical herbs have been used for centuries to heal and treat all sorts of ailments that one may experience during a lifetime. Herbs were the first means of healthcare known and it was valued for its diversity. These plants were used not only for medicine, but for food, clothing, shelter, and currency as well.

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