Potting Wire Vine, Making a Festive Succulent Arrangement & Moving the Lemon Cypress! πŸͺ΄πŸ•―🌲

Facts About Japanese Black Koi

The most unique variety among the Japanese koi fish family is the black koi fish. It is uniquely different because of its color considering that koi fish are known to have patterns and are colorful.

Green Thumb Ways For Starting a Home Organic Garden

Organic gardening, as the name suggests, makes use of the bountiful riches of nature to help the garden create a place of striking flowers and fruits and vegetables in excellent condition. Having an organic garden in your backyard is like literally having the best of nature within your reach.

Composting Tips and Tricks

Everyone is worried about being green these days, and for good reason. We’ve only got this one planet, and taking care of it is everyone’s business. We recycle, we reuse, and we attempt to reduce the amount of garbage that we produce. If you’re a gardener, one of the easiest ways to reduce garbage is also one of the best things you can do for your plants – composting!

Planting a Victory Garden

During World War II, Americans were called on to help with the war effort. Many Americans gave up normal things to help their country win the war. They conserved metal through “junk rallies” where communities gathered pieces of scrap metal and rubber, silk, aluminum and glass. These things then were recycled into needed weapons, machinery and supplies for the soldiers at war. Women knitted gloves and socks and sewed wristbands to support the troops overseas.

Storing Your Non-Hybrid, Heirloom Vegetable Seeds

Under normal conditions, non-hybrid, heirloom vegetable seeds can last from one to four years. If you learn to apply the proper storage techniques, however, you may be able to extend that time to ten to twenty years.

Can Your Garden Help Decrease Your Energy Bills?

Unless you live on a farm equipped with wind turbines and solar panels, the chances are pretty good that you pay for the energy used to heat and cool your home. As energy prices go up, many homeowners look for ways to make the hit to the budget a little less painful.

Keep the Chemicals Where They Belong

Gardening involves many steps: choosing the right plot, choosing the right plants, preparing the beds, watering, pest control and feeding. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are still a popular choice for home gardeners, but as with any chemical, they need to be handled with care.

The “3 Shape Rule” in Gardening

They say that in life good things come in threes. This similar note rings true to gardening as well. Consider combining three contrasting plant forms. These three basic forms of plants will complement one another so well that it does not really matter if the plants will eventually bloom.

How to Grow Onions in Your Garden

It is unlikely that the first shipment of onion seeds taken from England to Australia could have been successful because onion cultivars have to be carefully matched to their growing conditions. Onions require a well-drained, fertile soil which is weed-free at planting time and is kept that way, because the young seedlings are quickly and easily strangled by more vigorous growth.

Natural Fertilizers For Your Garden

At some point in your gardening time, whether you’re growing vegetables or flowers, you’re going to be faced with the need for fertilizer. However, many of the fertilizers available commercially are made from chemical processes that are dangerous to the environment.

Container Gardening

Long, lovely sweeping beds of flowers or large vegetable plots may be a reality for some homeowners, but for others, gardening must be limited to the patio or balcony space they have available. Apartment dwellers in particular are very limited as to the space available for their horticultural pursuits.

How to Harvest and Store Potatoes

The time you can harvest the potatoes is when they are about 8 to 12 weeks after the day that they have been planted. These potatoes will be ready to be cleaned and boiled right away for summer treats.

Checking the Soil Standard

Gardening can either be made a lot easier or a lot more difficult depending on the type of soil you’re using. Don’t overlook the fact that using good soil is key to having healthy plants – it is one of the most essential parts. If you feel that your plants are getting enough water and sunlight but for some reason are still not doing well and looking unhealthy, you may want to look deeper – to the soil.

Mint Gardens

Mint is one of the easiest herbs to grow, it can be added to a wide range of dishes to enhance flavor, and can be put into sauces, jelly, tea, and other drinks for a very pleasant, aromatic, and healthy effect… and the way to get the freshest mint is to grow it yourself. It was native to the Mediterranean but now this hardy herb has spread to all regions of the world and is known to improve digestion, relieve heartburn and headaches, and help control asthma and allergies.

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