Quitting Your Job To Farm on a Quarter Acre In Your Backyard?

3 Easy Ways to Prevent Pests and Rodents From Attacking Your Garden

One of the biggest problems gardeners face is the presence of rodents. In this article, we examine three easy methods gardeners can use to prevent pests and rodents from entering the garden.

3 Household Wastes You Can Use for Garden Composting

Using household waste is a great way to do sustainable gardening. Find out 3 types of wastes you can use to create your own natural compost.

3 Tips to Having Successful Indoor Container Gardens

Want to start your own indoor gardens? Make sure you check out these three tips on container gardening.

3 Steps to Building an Organic Garden for Beginners

Want to build your own organic garden? Use these three steps to build one successfully.

Tree Thugs – When a Beautiful Thing Becomes a Big Problem

Learn more about trees and how to handle them effectively. It is important to know the specifics about the trees in your garden in order to act adequately in every situation.

How To Get Plants For Free With No Effort

Let mother nature do your work for you by planting self seeding plants that come back year after year. Here are some top examples.

Why Don’t Peonies Flower?

There are a number of reasons why a peony may not flower. Find out what they are and if there is anything you can do to improve things.

How to Mix Hydroponic Nutrients

Plants grown traditionally in the soil could get essential nutrients form the soil, but if you’re growing using a hydroponic system, it would be up to you to ensure that everything your plants need is in the nutrient solution. You could choose ready-made hydroponic nutrients concentrate and simply add a certain amount of water. It is also a good alternative to make a simple, inexpensive hydroponic nutrient solution on your own using some basic ingredients.

World of Color in a Fairy Garden

It is a rainy Monday morning. As I was leaving for work, I took our dog for a walk outside and to our surprise a squirrel was on the porch steps. Within seconds our setter decided to chase the squirrel, pulling on the leash, and tossing me into a muddy, sandy puddle. Time for a quick shower and change of clothes. Eventually, I was finally pulling into the driveway and arriving at work.

9 Specialty Herbs To Include In Your Herb Garden

Looking for some specialty herbs that will open up exciting culinary possibilities in your sweet, savory, and spirited recipes? You probably have your favorite plants that you grow every year in your herb garden but it’s fun to explore and experiment by cooking with different herbs. So get a few extra containers and give these a try!

6 Steps for Growing Tomatoes Vertically

One of the most exciting trends in gardening worldwide is vertical gardening, particularly for those who have limited or no horizontal space. Not only do vertical gardens beautify a boring fence or wall; some vegetables and fruit – including the smaller tomato varieties – do well and provide urban dwellers with the opportunity to grow their own food.

Crape Myrtles, the Kings of Color

The Crape Myrtle can give you the added “Pizazz” to your garden that another tree won’t. These trees resemble the lilac tree and are laden with lovely scented flowers.

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